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Documentary “La Estancia Vacía” (The Empty Room)

It was summer 2006. Some Asturian youngsters shoot a shortfilm documentary based on the last stage of Michi Panejo´s life, son of the poet Leopoldo Panero, a key figure in Spanish poetry during Franco era. The project was designed in the beginning of 2006, motivated by the 30th anniversary of “El desencanto” (“The disenchantment”) premiere, a film directed by Jaime Chávarri.

The project design was also motivated by the reading of the article “Los Panero: esa familia tan extraña” (“The Panero´s: That Strange Family), written by Miguel Barrero, who finally became the shortfilm scriptwriter. This article was published in a literary magazine.

These youngsters also felt the need to tell about the family´s legacy, the echoes on the shock that the shooting of the film made in 1976, and the memories of those who lived that story and of those who shared Michi Panero´s last days.

“La Estancia Vacía” (“The Empty Room”) is the title of the film, directed by Iván Fernández and Miguel Barrero. Julio Cedrón led the technical staff.


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